Thursday, November 3, 2011
I Am A God (My Last Note on Facebook)
I save it here to remind me of who i am......
Finally, the day has come. I decided to stop writing on Facebook due to some personal reasons of mine. But I had promised to write one more note as my final note. Will it be up to the standard of my previous notes? Let the reader decide. I was nervous as I thought about what to write. They say you are remembered most by what you did last. In this case I will be remembered by this note. I hope, sorry, I sincerely pray that this note resounds in your memory for a thousand generations.
It is not uncommon these days to hear someone say I talk like a god when they read my notes. One lady, who did not understand one of my notes, and was adamant in proving to me that I was forcing my opinion on people, said I was playing God. I guess that was her opinion of what a god is. But it got me thinking nevertheless.
The shortest comment ever placed on my notes was placed by Augustina Ngene on my note Spirit-Filled Fools and it was a one word comment, ‘Bold.’ I think that sums up the spirit behind the notes. My notes are bold. It is very clear that whoever is writing is very sure of what he is writing and therefore comes out strongly. Could that be the reason why some find it difficult to accept what is said in my notes? How can a human being be this bold? This and many more questions are on the readers’ mind. Then I realized I am not the first person to have been posed with this question. My elder brother was. When the far to see and the sad to see could not understand the audacity with which He spoke they were infuriated and wanted to stone him. When He asked ‘why?’ They said, ‘because you being a man make thyself equal with God.’-John 10:33. Then he responded with words that will forever resound through the ages, ‘Is it not written in your law, I said, ye are gods?’-John 10:34; Psalm 82:6
Could this be the reason why the lady said I was playing God? Because I spoke like a god? But if I don’t speak like a god, who the bible says I am, who then should I speak like? A slave? Many of us have allowed our environment so debase us that we no longer know who we really are? We’ve allowed our minds to be contaminated with slave mentality we no longer know that we are masters of the universe. We’ve allowed our environment talk down on us we no longer know that we are here to rule over our environment.
I am a god. That is who I am and I will speak like one. I am born of God. If a lion gives birth to a lion who should God give birth to? Until you have the mind power to accept this truth you can never perform at optimum capacity. A lion that thinks like a sheep will eat grass. Your identity is your strength in battle. If you don’t know who you are, you assume yourself to be who you are not. Don’t let the world define you. Let the WORD define you. If the word says you are it, you are it, irrespective of what your current reality is. If you don’t see it in your mind, you will never hold it in your hand. I have trained myself to accept what the word says. It is unimportant whether I feel like it or not. If the word says I am a god, then I am a god, nothing less.
Gods don’t flinch when the economy is in turmoil. ‘When God began creating the heavens and the earth, the earth was a shapeless, chaotic mass, with the Spirit of God brooding over the dark vapors.’ Gen 1:1-2 (TLB). In the midst of the darkness God brooded. I know our traditional minds tend to think that God was meditating on what to do. We have heard it from the pulpit many times. ‘God was brooding, He was meditating, He was deciding what to do, bla, bla, bla.’ But if you go back to the original language the word used for brood is the Hebrew word rachaph (raw-khaf), and in literal translation it means ‘to relax.’ God was not trying to solve a GMAT question. He already knew what to do. He was relaxing in the midst of a shapeless, chaotic mass. And when he was done relaxing He addressed the situation. This is what God expects us as gods to do. He did not flinch when His economy was in turmoil. It did not bother him when His economy was going on recession. He knew what to do. Someone said ‘No matter the economy of the jungle the lion cannot eat grass.’ Everything God needs is on the inside of Him. Everything I need is on the inside of me. And from what is on the inside of me I produce what I want on the outside.
A couple years back I called a technician to come service my generator. When he came, he came with an apprentice of his. The weather was pretty hot that afternoon so I went inside, into the sitting room and brought out two plastic chairs and two bottles of malt drinks for them. These guys were afraid to receive the seats and the drinks from me. They have never been treated with such dignity before. They were used to being treated like dirt so the day someone treated them with respect it was strange. There must be an ulterior motive.
The story above reminds me of a comment Ife Klevadiva posted in response to one of my notes. About how she always commends ladies in her school but later discovered that some were hesitant in accepting such commendation. We have all met people like that. People who have been so used, abused, and misused over a long period of time and they now live life backwards. They have little or no self-worth anymore. When you have these kinds of people around you all the time you begin to think that they are normal and you are not. And I have likewise met many Christians who in a bid to act humble in their environment have mistaken stupidity for humility. They stoop low with couched shoulders and say ‘only the heavens know who will make it.’ They think they are humble when they are actually acting stupid. No my friend, no. Rather stand tall and talk with confidence, ‘I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.’-Philippians 4:13. I refuse to let myself be intimidated or influenced by the world. The word says in Rom 12:2, ‘Do not be conformed to the standard of this world.’ That is another way of saying ‘Do not let the world mould you into shape.’
Who do you say you are? Your identity is your strength in battle. I love the Americans. When things become tough you hear them say ‘I am an American.’ If you don’t say you are, they will say you are not. So, stop saying whatever will be will be. Start saying what you expect to happen. And say them like it has already happened. Don’t be afraid to say them even if your current realities are saying otherwise. Your world responds to your words. Even your body system starts up or shuts down based on your words. If you keep saying you can’t do it, you can’t make it, you don’t have the resources, your mind shuts down. But if you can be bold and stand tall and say ‘I can make it,’ ‘I can do it,’ ‘I won’t give up,’ ‘No matter what.’ Hey!!! Your mind wakes up. The universe responds to the voice of a lion. Let the lion in you roar. ‘For as a he thinks in his heart so is he.’-Prov 23:7 And ‘he shall have whatsoever he saith.’-Mark 11:23.
Speak the word. Fill your mind with God’s word and speak it forth to yourself and your circumstances. Everything responds to words. This I have discovered for myself. The only regret I have today is that these truths did not sink in early enough. For when a lion is comfortable with sheep, he eats grass. I have been a lion amongst sheep for too long. Not anymore. No, not anymore. Now I know who I am. I am a god!
Mute Efe,
Wow! At last. Now I can rest. But I will not leave without giving a big shout-out to everyone that has been with me and that includes you, yes you. I definitely will not be able to name everyone but you all mean so much to me. However I will name the few that I can remember right now. My 5-star friends; (your names were mentioned in my note on Criticism). My greatest fans; Evelyn Omowunmi Mann, Ogundiya Seun, Ajibola Emilola Olufunke, Emma Uwan, and Ezuruike Ezinwa. Fellow writers changing the world with their words; Olalade Adeoye, Tochi Eze, Ife Klevadiva, John Igbinovia, Promix Blue, Gen Adeyinka Adeniran, Olumide ODewole, Adaeze Inzion, the list is endless. Finally, the one whom I have never met but mentored me with her notes without seeing me. The one whose notes went deep into me and pulled out the gift of writing in me, the one who stands alone in a block while all the others stand in one block, Mrs. Adebola Deji-Kurunmi. The world does not deserve you. You, Ma, are a gift.
Culled from the Author on facebook
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Bomb blast in Abuja,
The first ever record of suicide bombing in the nation they claim
Its a long haul, and we are approaching the brink of over very existence.
there is fire on the mountain and no one seems a running like Asa said in her song.
Many are the afflictions on Nigeria.
Are we "righteous" to anticipate the Lord's deliverance.
Can we dare to Hope for deliverance.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Lessons to learn......
A Couple have been married for 5 years now. They have a 2 year old daughter. Like any couple they have their ups and downs, that's life. One day just after they had a fight over their differences of opinion, the wife went shopping at the local mall, where she bumped into her ex-boyfriend from varsity.
After a chit-chat, she discovered he was doing well for himself in business. They exchanged numbers. From that day on, they started talking daily over the phone. Plans were made to meet, but where, when? That's when the ex-boyfriend came up with a plan that they should meet in Cape Town to spend a week together.
The ex-boyfriend would organize everything; the plane tickets and a nice beach holiday resort for them to enjoy. She would have to lie to her husband, saying she is going to a conference in Cape Town for a week.. Her husband took her to the airport on Sunday evening. 2 hours later she was met in Cape Town by her ex-boyfriend who had arranged a very romantic evening with her.
After the romantic evening they went back to the resort, made love without a condom, of course they have known each other for a very long time. For the next 5 days they had a wonderful time jollying / quad biking, up the mountain in the cable car, swimming and sun bathing etc, wining and dining at the Capes top cafe's and restaurants, something she had rarely done with her husband. They enjoyed everything money could buy, until she left on Saturday afternoon back to Johannesburg ..
They used different flights to avoid being seen together (you know people talk). She was waiting in the airport for her husband to fetch her, when she received a call from her ex-boyfriend, who told her he was HIV-positive and that it was not a co-incidence when they met at the mall.. The reason why he infected her with the disease was because he was jealous of the family she has and the beautiful woman she had become
and the fact that he was financially successful but he is not happy because he knows that he is dying.
At that moment she just stood there and froze; thinking about what to do, as it was already too late to take anti-retroviral. She could lay a charge against him; it would only expose her for cheating on her husband. That's when she took a taxi to her best friend's house. She told her friend everything that had happened and ask for advice. The friend advised her to come clean with her husband, tell the truth, she has just lost everything and has nothing more to lose.
She then phoned her husband and explained every thing. To my surprise, the husband picked his wife from her friend's house; he sat down with her and told her how much he loves her and reminded her of the vows he took at church and that it was a terrible mistake she has made, which unfortunately she has to pay for it with her life. He told her that he is never going to leave her, he has forgiven her and will stick by her side no matter what happens.
Now she stays in another bedroom and he shares his bedroom with their daughter. What is currently happening is, the wife is terribly sick and might die at anytime. He told me this because he was asking me for prayer support, because he believes that a group of friends praying together, the stronger the prayer might be.
The other reason was that I should let you all know of such happenings as a warning to anyone contemplating cheating, to weigh up if it's worth it! As I sit and think about this experience, I thought to my self: why him? But I can not seem to come up with an answer. Then there is a lesson here;" You never know what you've got until....
"The morale of the story is? As people, we tend to undermine those who love us for a moment's pleasure (we are never aware when we are loved).We keep on chasing waterfalls rather than sticking to the rivers, where we can swim with ease. To all my brothers and sisters, love the one you are with...
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
The devil's Food
They were as varied as imagined.
How thoughts and dreams jump and juggle,
Without form or pattern.
Constantly there is a battle within;
And the line is never fixed.
The hardest place to identify is the center,
Am almost convinced that there is none.
After a along silence we talked again today,
Yet i must confess you have not repented.
Do you know that though sweet to the tongue,
Yet bitter to the gullet is the devil's food
It burns all the intestines,
pouring them out through the very throat.
How do i know you ask?
Cause i have been a guest at his table one too many times.
I have taken the three, seven course meal he serves.
The aroma that tantalizes and beckons the fool.
The sight the draws the nitwit.
The taste that deceives and ensnares.
I know the end is death,
I have puked blood,
The stench of the putrid anus.
The pain of loss and destruction
Monday, May 2, 2011
Flush....Flush it away!!!
A little moisture on the iron causes the rust that breaks it;
A little mildew causes the tear that shreds the garment.
Microbes though very minute, teensy weensy and little.
Can bring down the mightiest of all creatures.
That dripping water will eventually tunnel the mountain.
Amazing! rather rattling the ability of the little to conquer the mighty.
How the insignificant and ignoble can topple the obvious and great.
When constantly prodding that the ant will bring down the elephant.
All it takes is TIME.
Don't wait till the damage is done!!!
Get rid of it
The little foxes that spoil the vine
The evil communication that corrupts good manners
That plague will eat up the whole tooth
That rotten spot will destroy the whole crop
The canker eats more that the hole you see without.
Don't let it stay for even one minute
Get rid of that negative thought, habit, attitude, character, lifestyle.......
Before it destroys YOU!!!
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Made to last
Don't you see that you were made to last?
Sin (Disobedience to God) brought death; yes very true.
One day we all will drink of the cup called death.
That is not the end cause we are made to last.
Our days are numbered, timed and recorded.
And for each one we must give account.
The finite determines the infinite destination.
The temporal decides the eternal.
We were not born just to die.
We are born to live, die then live forever.
Death is just the one sleep that transits to another realm
We are made to last
Am not going to ask you stay,
But why rush to where you will finally go?
Why shorten your days, running to the door before your day?
Dear one you are made to last.
Eternal damnation awaits anyone who shortens his days
No reprieve for those who despises the new days apportioned to them.
No pain here anyways can compare with the eternal agonies
Beloved you are made to last.
Friday, April 8, 2011
All that it TAKES!!!
It can be the death of you, hence the birth of another.
A complete stranger who you do not know takes the place of the you.
You have always known.
Needless to say, my heart has been broken once too many times.
The me that resulted from the heart attack is a stranger.
One i wish i had never known.
But can never loose.
One born of anger, and fulfillment.
One full of resentment, for broken promises.
And dreams that disappeared as smoke on the morn.
This one can never love again.
This heart is seared, with steel.
It will take more than sweet words and romance to break through.
Go home child, there is no joy and laughter here.
Fly away to another land where the plunderer has not looted
Or removed the good to sunshine
Son, go on its for your own good
A man came by here once
I gave him all i had
He took it all away, left emptiness in its wake
Brother you think what you see now is worth staking destiny on
Surprise me, cause you didn't see this house in its former glory.
I am inertia; i have lost all sense of feeling.
Take my advice; journey on home is still ahead
Love ?? you love me?
What is Love?
A broken spirit, shrouded in misery.
An angry mob; irate without reason.
Will you buy this wilderness, parched and dry.
It will take more than a miracle for this land to bloom again.
More than the bag full of tricks, words and acts that you bear.
It will take a tsunami, your wind can only cause the dust to flicker.
Do you have ALL that it takes???
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Yes man is able to dabble into the supernatural and invoke powers over others.
Voodoo, witchcraft, sorcery and several other routes are explored by the curious;
To rise above the physical into the spiritual.
Strange things are found in the darkness, believe it or not it is a difficult fact to ignore.
There is more to life than what we see, hear, smell or touch.
The senses are limited and can only tell so much.
Seek to experience a plane that transcends the confines of time.
Well there are heights that we all seek to attain.
The sky being only the stepping stone.
If truly you aspire to understand beyond the terrestrial to the celestial.
Surely you must prepare for that which blows the mind.
Well there are things out there that makes ignorance bliss.
But everyone knows that there is no joy in groping in complete darkness.
So seek the light and receive illumination.
Knowledge is Power. Wisdom is life
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Free to Fly
Truth be told, your really will begin to cry without tears;
Loneliness an ache that burns within.
Who will comfort who will pacify.
Have you ever wondered the feel of the wind beneath your wings?
Have ever hungered for the flowing stream around your feet?
Am thinking it takes a long while for it to settle in.
The sun will burn like the desert sand.
The sea roars in turbulent waves.
O peace so pure and so divine where do i go for comfort and assurance.
When insurance fails and no one can see.
Loss so vast you just want to cry.
The motor vehicle with a busted radiator.
No consolation no shoulder to lean on.
The desert heat on my bald head.
Dreams in my heart.
I take flight on the sight of an oasis.
Welcome Home
Monday, February 7, 2011
Because We Believe
Can you blame the child that refuses to dance on an empty stomach?
Really i won't ask for a cap for a man with out a head on which the cap can sit.
But look around that is what we are asking.
The ridiculous; absolutely impossible!!!
Well i am saying let us get the head before we mold the crown.
I am demanding that we build a right foundation before we roof the castle.
Simply put the horse before the cart!!
Strange things happen every day
Yet they do not arouse our amazement nor make us sign in dismay!!..
The strange has become the very things we take for granted.
Am surprised the way the terrors and the terrible have become common place.
Taken for granted by neighbours, ignored by leaders
Well i really wont point a finger cause we all know to whom the rest will point!!
So i sit here considering without judging.
Maybe some day we will see clearly and the fog will dissolve; to let pure sunlight in.
Maybe someday the head will be in place before a cap is sought.
Until then we must believe and hope for the best.
Until then we must focus on the reasons that we have to go on.
Be it our faith, anger, ambitions; no matter what it may be.
The worst of us are those without any reason to go on;
For as long as we believe, achieving is just some twists and turns away.
Till we see our hopes come to reality.....We will press on;
Because We Believe
Monday, January 31, 2011
There is a place....
Where all is in sync!
There words are tangible,
Where its done as soon as its spoken.
A place where the waters dance,
Where they flow in perfect symphony!
There thoughts take shape,
Where its real as apt as its thought.
A place where the fire laughs,
Where the flames do the erotic tango!
There the will creates,
Where it manifests immediately.
A place where the wind convulses,
Where it births and bellows!
There action is fluid,
Where its neither here nor there.
A place where the soil duels,
Where it conquers all.
There intention holds sway,
Where its the very bedrock of all there is.
Have you been there?
Friday, January 28, 2011
Straight from my heart to You

..I have decided to put my thoughts into writing for two reasons;
1- because I believe it will be a good avenue to pour out the overflow in my heart, and put order to the chaos inside my head sometimes.
2- cause you have so generously offered to be my other self the one with whom I can be all I think to be. "When you are tired of this be quick to let me know"!!!.
First I believe an introduction is appropriate. My name is Bolanle Aina (I have so many other names but I choose to ignore them cause its burdensome filling forms!! 'Laziness shey?!")
I was born January 16 1982 (sometimes I suspect its 83 cause you know how people mix up dates at the beginning of the year!! But my mum says 82 so I believe her) on a cold harmattan day in my hometown, a lovely sweet and beautiful place called Egbe now in Kogi state (who knows where it will be in the next ten years it was part of kwara when I was born. God save Nigeria!!). I spent the early part of my life apart from my parents. But I had a wonderful childhood cause I was doted on by everyone especially my grandma. Only downside was I grew up alone more or less cause I was an only child for seven and a half years. So I learnt the joy and beauty of my own company at a very early age.
This is boring, so I will stop here.
Remind me to continue some other time!
What am I today?
Today am a working girl living the very boring triangle (work, home and church), well with the kind of city I live in presently there is hardly room for anything else. I like to go out and have fun but the downside of that is the hours I will spend in traffic. My idea of fun is hanging out with friends and family close to nature. I love nature!!...that's why am au naturalle....
Every time I send you a message I will share a link to anything that catches my fancy. Today I read this and caught something.
Have a swell day!!